Stryker Secure 2 Bed How to Set Chair Position
The Secure 2 also referred to as a "Secure II" and a "Stryker model number 3002" sits into a full chair position. Although it does not have a chair position button it can be put into a chair position by doing the following. (1) Raise the bed up - (2) Raise head all the up (3) Raise the feet up (4) Go to the foot of the bed and hit the Trendelenburg button to adjust the chair position angle. The video below shows how to do this. For more information on the Stryker Secure 2 bed click hereOrder Stryker Secure 2 beds - 858-263-4894 California 540-327-7376 Virginia The Stryker Secure 2 bed - also referred to as a "Secure II" and 3002 model has the ability to go into a "chair position". This video shows how to do that. For more information on the Stryker Secure 2 bed contact us or visit the link below. we sell them used - refurbished and reconditioned.